Monday, January 29, 2007

Video News

All three branches have successfully completed this quarter's "Great Video Switch".

Patrons will now have access to titles not seen in a while!

Also, Havana and Chatthoochee have each received over 100 VHS donations* from our very generous patrons (You know who you are, and you have our gratitude!). Patrons at these branches will be seeing these videos appearing on the shelf over the next few months (we are working as hard as we can to catalog and process these for the collection. Please be patient!)

Finally, once the Chattahoochee Library is in their new building, they will begin carrying DVDs as well as VHS videos!

Happy Viewing!

*Yes, the Gadsden County Public Library gratefully accepts donations of VHS and DVD videos. Our only requirements:

>nothing beyond an "R" rating,
>they need to be in the original cases.
>only professional/commerical videos, nothing on 'blank' disks/tapes recorded off the TV (for copyright reasons)
>They must be in 'watchable' condition. (There is nothing worse than to plan a movie night only to have the DVD scratched so badly it won't play.)

Thank you in advance for your donation.


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