School starts August 14!
Hey, that's today!We would like to remind all parents and teachers that the Library is here to help your child/student find a quiet place to study, and is a place where LOTS of information may be found on a wide variety of subjects. We have encyclopedias, large non-fiction sections for children of all ages; and we also have FREE access to the internet.
Several study areas have been set aside in the library with tables and chairs for students to get together to work on those big class projects.
We also have books to help with history fair and science fair projects.
Does this sound like a commercial? Well, it is! Come to the library for all your school project needs.
The Library Staff does ask that you keep a few things in mind:
As much as we'd like to, we do not have school supplies on hand to give or loan. This includes pens and pencils (although occasionally we do have a few), paper, posterboard, tape, glue, etc. Please make sure you bring what you need when you come to the Library.
Children under 13 MUST be accompanied by an adult when in the Library.
If your child is over 13, please make sure you know when we close, so you can pick up your child before closing time. (Our hours are about to change, we will be open until 9PM Monday through Saturday and Sunday 1-5 starting sometime in September.)
No food or drink (including candy, gum and/or water bottles) are allowed in the Library at any time.
Groups can get noisy. While we don't mind a little noise, there may be other people using the Library who request a quiet space to work. So please be considerate of others who also need to use the Library.
Patrons under 18 years old CANNOT use the computers without a parent's signed permission form on file with the Library. Please see the Library Staff to sign one of these forms.
The time limit on the Computers is one hour. If no one is waiting we usually don't enforce this as strictly. That said, please also remember that during the school year the library computer area can become busy with people using the internet for research. Please do not get upset if at the end of your hour, we ask you to give up the computer when there is a waiting list.
It costs five cents a page to print from the computers. This helps us pay for toner and paper for the printer. Please do not print something if you can't pay for it, or don't really want it.
We at the Library hope you will make us one of your first stops when it comes to research.

"Hedgie goes Back to School" by Jan Brett
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