Book Donation Policy

I have been asked what our policy is on book donations, beyond the previous post:
Book Donations Policy:
The Library appreciates the gift of books and other materials. Such gifts make items available that the Library otherwise might not be able to provide. Gifts of books and other materials are accepted with the understanding that they may be retained, discarded and used at the discretion of the Library.
The Library cannot be responsible for transporting books or other materials to the Library.
The Library does not appraise books and materials. Donors should be informed of the conditions under which such items will be accepted.
Although the Library does not appraise books and materials, a letter from the Library acknowledging receipt of such donations and indicating quantities and types of donations will be supplied upon request.
Criteria for acceptance of book donations
Items must be in good condition.
Items must be suitable for the Library's collection.
Items must be given without condition.
The Library reserves the right to dispose of such gifts to its best advantage.
Such disposition may include:
- Retention in the main library, a branch library, or the bookmobile.
- Donation to other libraries
- Donation to local or other institutions or organizations
- Exchange with other institutions or organizations.
- Sale
- Discard or recycle.
I hope this helps answer any questions. If not, call the Library for more information.
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