In case you missed it....
From our local newspaper, "The Gadsden County Times":
Alice DuPont
It doesn't happen often. And it may be a first in Gadsden County. Monday morning CBI – Cook Brothers, Incorporated – gave back $27,381 to the county. The money was the company's share saved when the construction phase of the William "Bill" McGill Library was completed nearly two months ahead of schedule. "The overall savings for completing the project ahead of time was $92,000," said Finley Cook, CBI president. He said he was able to finish the project early because he used local people. "I like to use people from around here when I can. I enjoy working for the county," he said.
The money will be used to purchase new furniture for the 1.6 million dollar facility. The new library has 14,500 square feet and has a separate computer room as well as a room for public meetings.
Library Director Jane Mock said she and her staff are anxious to move. "We've done a lot of weeding already in anticipation of the move but we're still very overcrowded," she said. The one-story library will eliminate the need for an elevator and stairs. "The new library will be a lot more accessible and a lot more visible," Mock said.
note: while the EXTERIOR of the library is finished, the interior still has a ways to go, including, as Jane Mock stated, the completion of our furniture order, much of which has to be custom built. The opening date is expected to be sometime in April or May. -- GCPLS staff
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