George W. Munroe Night at the Public Library
George W. Munroe Night at the Public LibrarySeptember 29th from 6-8:30pm.
Starting at 6pm in the library parents will be encouraged to share a book
with their child and make a craft.
6:30 p.m. Katie Adams will perform in the Program Room
Refreshments will be served in the program room after the performance.
Free Shadow Puppet Workshop

Free shadow Puppet Workshop
with Professional Puppeteer Katie Adams
September 29th 4:30pm
Sign Up at the McGill Library
Support Your Library Day
Support Your Library DaySponsored by Woodmen of the WorldWilliam "Bill" McGill Public LibrarySeptember 26, 2009
Identification KitsProtect your kids in case of emergency. Get a current photo, fingerprints, and DNA on your child put on a convenient card. This should be done at least once a year.
Drawing for Raffle50/50 Drawing - Tickets available at checkout counter. Do not have to be present to win. Must be 18 to participate. Half of money collected will go to library. Other half goes to winner of drawing.
Refreshments"Wheel of Fortune" for the kids
Spin a chance to pick a prize out of the treasure chest. No one will lose
"Buddy", Woodmen's mascot will be there