Writer's strike? Not @ your library!

They may be joking, but we're not!
While the writer's strike has crippled Hollywood and left us without new episodes of our favorite TV shows, the library has hundreds of books to fill the void.
Why, we have books in every category:
Romance -- for "Desperate Housewives" and "Gray's Anatomy" fans, try Nora Roberts, Sandra Brown, Debbie Macomber.
Mystery -- fans of "CSI", NUMB3RS, & all the variations of "Law and Order" try Robert Parker, John Grisham, Lee Child, Dick Francis, and Stuart Woods. If you like "Bones" we have the books by Kathy Reichs on which the series is based.
Military fiction -- fans of "NCIS" & "The Unit" try Tom Clancy, W.E.B. Griffin and Dale Brown
Science Fiction/Fantasy -- we have a whole section devoted to "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" novels -- original stories, not just retreads of the series or movies! For a laugh riot, try Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" series or Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". and you can't beat Anne McCaffrey's "PERN" series for futuristic adventure with a mediaeval dragonish flair.
Horror -- "Supernatural" and "Ghost Whisperer" fans -- Stephen King, Peter Straub, & Dean Koontz will keep you up at night (For a rainy night, try Dean Koontz' "The Taking"!)
Masterpiece Theater fans -- try reading the original classic novels that formed the basis for the recent Jane Austin film festival, or other writers from the same era.
and much, much more!
Or try your hand at a new
craft. At the Circulation Desk, we have a beautifully decorated terra-cota flower pot crafted by a patron who got the idea from a craft book she checked out at the library! You can do this too! Or experiment with
gourmet or down-home cooking. Whatever hits your interest level, we have a book or two on the subject.
Don't forget teens and children's books, too! All the above categories (but different authors) are found in our "J" section as well.
See you soon @ your library!
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
All branches of the Gadsden County Public Library System will be closed on:
Monday, January 21, 2008in honor of
the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday.
(note: the bookmobile does not run on days the Library is closed.)
Friendly reminders
The Gadsden County Public Library staff would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming to the library this past year. Our circulation counts are up from the year before, as is our computer use and general attendance at library events.
Just a few reminders for the coming year:
The Library computers have been set up in a certain way to grant the maximum performance for the software we have been licensed to install on the computers. For this reason we ask that no other software or programs, including chat rooms; messengers; music players; video viewers; toolbars; search engines; and games, be loaded or installed or downloaded on the computers. These do interfere with the operating of the computers. We thank you for your understanding. If there is a program you want us to have installed on the computers, please make a request in writing and we will pass it along to the County's Computer Tech department for consideration.
Our book displays are near the start of the Fiction section and the newspaper/magazine displays. Please make sure to 'check out' the "New and Notable" table, and the rotating themed display on the shelves. Currently, we are featuring "Politics" on the shelves, but after the primaries, the shelf display will revert to 'African-American Interests' for the rest of the year. PLEASE NOTE: (people have asked) these displays only represent a fraction of what we have in our collection on the subjects. Check our on-line computer catalog for your favorite authors and titles.
And if we don't have a title you need, you can request books through the
InterLibrary Loan service (see Miss Ricki). ILL requests are also given to the director for consideration for purchase for our collection. You can also make a request in writing for us to carry a certain author or title if we don't have it. Oh, and if the book is available at one of our branches, we can have it sent over through our Library courier service each Tuesday for Wednesday afternoon pick-up.
Speaking of
Magazines, we have added some new titles including
Entertainment Weekly and
Horse and Rider. Magazines are for in-Library use only, but we encourage you to take a few minutes out of your busy schedule, settle into our comfortable reading chairs and enjoy our magazine collection. Back issues for most of our titles (except the new ones, of course) for the past year are available upon request at the circulation desk. Newspapers are held for two months worth of back issues.
Food and drink (including water) are not permitted in the library. Please enjoy your refreshments before entering the Library.
If you ever have any questions about the Library, our collection, our branches, our computers, etc. Please ask in person or call your nearest branch. We are happy to be here for you in 2008!
Quincy: 627-7106
Havana: 539-2844
Chattahoochee: 663-2707
New at the library
January is here and this year that means two things:
Primaries -- for the first time Florida will have an early primary.
To help out, we have set aside a section by the newspapers with books on the way government works as well as books written by the candidates themselves (those who have written books).
Some of these include:
On the Democratic side:
Clinton, Hillary. "Living History"
(also, Clinton, William. "My Life")
as well as books critiquing the Clinton presidency, both pro- and con-.
Obama, Barak "The audacity of hope" and "Dreams of my Father"
On the Republican side:
Giuliani, Rudolph W., "Leadership"
McCain, John, "Worth the fighting for" and "Faith of my fathers"
Even though these books are on display, they can still be checked out for the standard two weeks.
The second thing, is taxes!
We have begun to recieve tax forms and instruction books. These are located in a black, standing display next to the computer room and the computer catalog near the Fiction section.
Taxes and politics! Just two of the subjects you can find out more about @ your Library.