APRIL Youth Events
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Young People's Reader's Theater presents:
the Life of George Washington Carver:
Inventor - scientist - artist - educator!

Sunday April 15th
William A. "Bill" McGill Library
SPY X: The Code
by Peter Lerangis
April 18 & 25
4:00- 5:00PM
Bandit's Moon
by Sid Fleishman
April 23 & 30
2:30 - 3:30PM
ART CLUBGrades 2 - 6
Fridays 5:00PM
Tuesdays 5:00PM
pre-K to 3rd Grade
Mondays 6:00PM
Preschool - 6 yrs
Tuesdays 10:30AM
Preschool - 6 yrs
Fridays 11:00AM - noon
For more information call the Library:
Quincy: 627-7106
Havana: 539-2844
Chattahoochee Branch Closed
The Chattahoochee Branch of the Gadsden County Library closed on Monday, March 5. They will reopen in their new location at 300 Maple Street -- soon, date to be announced.
Currently the staff is frantically scurrying about packing boxes with books, videos, audio books, etc. and transporting them to the new building.
Don't worry, faithful library supporters! It will be well worth the wait once the new building is open!
Don't forget, you can still visit the Quincy and Havana Branches while Chattahoochee is closed, and items checked out from the Chatt Branch may be returned to these two branches.
(Due to the closing, we cannot request any items in the Chattahoochee Branch be sent to any other branch for pick-up. We apologize for any inconvenience.)
Special Commission Meeting Notice
Gadsden County Public Library patrons may be interested in the following:Gadsden County
Board of County Commissioners
Contact: Jon D. Brown
Public/Intergovernmental Relations Officer
jonb@gadsdengov.netFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEBoard of County Commissioners Schedule Property Tax Workshop
February 27, 2007 -- Quincy, Fla. -- The Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners will hold a Special Meeting/Workshop on Monday, March 5, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting is being held to discuss recent state legislative proposals concerning changes to the current property tax system across the State of Florida on the potential local fiscal impact of the recently proposed legislation. The legislative proposals in question range from raising the homestead exemption amount from $25,000 to $50,000 to completely eliminating property taxes in exchange for a 2 1/2 cent increase in the state-wide sales tax levy.
"Early estimates project as much as a potential $2 million decrease in current general revenues if some of the current proposed legislation is adopted and implemented," said Davin J. Suggs, Director of the Office of Management and Budget. The Board will discuss and analyze strategies to mitigate proposed legislation. County staff will present potential cuts in programs and services to account for the loss of revenue.
Commissioner Eugene Lamb, Jr., Gadsden County's representative on the Florida Association of Counties Property Tax Workgroup, said, "It is anticipated that the several programs currently funded in the Fiscal Year 2007 budget through the use of property taxes will be severly impacted or cut by property tax reductions. These include Library Services, Parks and Recreation, Veteran's Services, Animal Control, Solid Waste Services, Community Development and Housing, Planning and Zoning, and Emergency Medical Services." Additionally, the Board also utilizes general revenue to support the Gadsden County Senior Citizens Center, Gadsden County Commuinity Health Council, Gadsden County Health Department, Gadsden County Summer Youth Employment Program and the Gadsden County Non-Profit Funding Program.
"Other potential cuts in funding will include the Clerk of the Court, the Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections, and Property Appraiser," said Brenda A. Holt, Chairman of the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners. The Tax Collector's budget is based on a commission earned from property taxes collected and, therefore, will also be reduced as a result of the current proposed legislation.
Chairman Holt is further encouraging all property and business owners in Gadsden County to attend since any decision by the Board will ultimately affect them.
All citizens are invited to this Special Meeting/Workshop to gain a better understanding of these pending issues. For more information regarding this meeting, please contact the County Manager's Office at (850) 875-8650 or the Office of Management and Budget at (850) 627-8433.
March Computer Class & Day Change
Computer classes will now be held on
THURSDAY nights, due to popular demand. Classes will NOT be held on Wednesday nights.
Computer classes will be held on a first come-first seated basis,
but sign up IS required ahead of time to reserve a place.
March 8 & 15:
setting up and using an E-Mail account
March 29 & April 4
Using internet search engines.
All classes run from 6:00 - 7:30pm.
Participants signed up and arriving early will be given priority placement.
Computer classes will be held on a first come-first seated basis,
but sign up IS required ahead of time to reserve a place.
Please call 627-7106 to sign up for the classes.